One of the most frequently asked questions from our customers tends to be along the lines of “how do I make the most use of my solar energy?“. It is a perfectly valid one – after all, everyone wants to make certain that they are saving as much as possible on their bills. Assuming that their solar panels have been properly positioned and connected, then it comes down simply to being more energy-efficient. It is quite amazing the difference that adopting just a handful of very simple alterations to your energy consumption can make. After all, the less energy you use from the grid then the sooner the savings your solar power production will kick in. Here is a selection of practical tips and potential additions to your solar power setup.
Install A Solar Battery
Providing your budget can be stretched a little then we do recommend that all of our clients seriously consider installing a battery unit. This will conserve unspent energy throughout the day which can then be used at nighttime. Given the incentives currently available for people who are opting for residential solar power, this really need not cost a fortune. It will seriously enhance the overall savings for most of our clients and is cheaper to include during the initial package than to rig up later.
Run High-Energy Appliances During The Daytime
For those who have a battery unit, this is not so important. But for those without, we strongly recommend that you try and run high-energy appliances during the day. Washing machines, dishwashers, and dryers are the main culprits for most people – and they consume a great amount of power. Better to use your solar power generated during the day to offset that cost rather than have that cost absorbed into your grid billing.
Use Electricity For Hot Water
It may add a little to the overall cost but there is no reason why most properties cannot be adapted to use solar power to heat hot water. For larger families, this can result in really big savings! If you are interested in this option then mention it when selecting your solar power installer. Any good operator should be qualified in making adaptations such as this and it shouldn’t cost a fortune either.
Perform A Usage Review
Did you know that devices left connected in the plug socket still drain power? Or those electric appliances left on standby mode are literally wasting energy? Take a look through each room in your property and consider which devices connected to a socket really are used on a regular basis. Disconnect anything which is not frequently used – after all, it is hardly any effort to just plug it back in when you do need to use it! Turning off your TV at the socket rather than leaving it on standby will save a surprising amount over the course of a year.
Only Use LED Lightbulbs
Lighting is one of the key areas where every household can make considerable savings. Let’s face it – we are all guilty of leaving the occasional light on unnecessarily, but the fact is that lighting is one of the largest contributors to your grid energy bill. LED bulbs are 90% more energy-efficient than old-fashioned tungstens and last for about fifteen times longer! If you haven’t already made the switch or have an old-fashioned bulb still installed somewhere on your property – change it!
Use Your Solar Power In The Yard
If you have a solar battery you can easily use it to directly power lawnmowers, strimmers, and other electronic gardening appliances directly. All of these burn through the power and it makes far more sense to use that which you have generated yourself instead of just throwing it onto your grid bill! Just make sure that you ask your solar energy contractor to source a portable capacity battery before installation.
All of these tips show how you can make your solar power production work better for you and eliminate wastage. We aim for all of our clients to make the maximum energy savings possible so they start saving on installations costs as soon as possible. Just a few little changes can make a world of difference to your grid energy bill, and that is what it’s all about!