Most of our previous customers have chosen to install a solar power setup primarily because of the long-term financial savings they can expect. However, a close second reason – and one that we’ve seen grow exponentially over the last couple of years – is because of the benefits of solar energy to the environment. All renewables are great in their own ways, but solar power provides energy from an unlimited resource – namely the sun. Wind may come and go and tidal is comparatively extremely expensive, but the sun ain’t ever going anywhere! Here are three environmental aspects which make solar energy the environmentally-minded person’s first choice for renewable energy.
The Sun Is Our Ultimate Power Source
Did you know that every second the sun produces more than 10,000 times the world’s combined need for energy? That’s 173,000 terawatts of power just there waiting to be harnessed. Needless to say, those figures are pretty stunning and they are the driving force for why the U.S is finally waking up to the real potential solar energy and solar panel technology can offer.
Compared to non-renewable fossil fuels – which of course are incredibly damaging to our environment – investing in harnessing solar technology is a no-brainer. The good news is that solar panels for residential and commercial use have made amazing improvements over the recent years. Major corporations and world-leading universities are investing heavily in this technology, and we can expect it only to get better. For our purposes, the solar panels we can install are twice as efficient as those of just ten years ago.
Fossil fuels are running out and that is going to inevitably soon see ‘traditional’ energy suppliers start to raise their prices. For that reason alone a solar panel set-up is going to pay back far beyond the cost of initial installation.
Solar Produces No Air Pollution
The Department for Energy has reported significant year-on-year reductions in U.S Co2 emissions that can be attributed directly towards more and more people and businesses investing in solar power. It is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. It is estimated that solar offset over 20 million metric tons of harmful emissions in 2018 – and it is forecast for that to increase by at least 50% by 2025. All of that data is simply due to people investing in solar power as a supplementary way to generate their own (free!) power.
One of the ways how solar energy is beneficial for the environment has to do with climate change. Few realistic people argue against the existence of climate change, and solar is going to be at the forefront of lessening further damage simply because it does not produce any form of air pollution.
Solar Does Not Cause Water Pollution
One thing people often forget about fossil fuels is that the facilities used to generate power require enormous amounts of water. Consequently, the environment is irreparably damaged not just by the building of dams to harness that supply but also the emissions they pump into the air fall back to earth in the form of rainwater. Inevitably this leads to water pollution and has already wiped out an inestimable of marine life in the world’s oceans.
How do solar panels help the environment? Let’s just face the facts – fossil fuels are tearing the world to shreds, and solar offers a realistic alternative to mitigate against the damage that they cause.
So we can see that when it comes to solar energy and the environment, nothing beats solar. Given the tax breaks on offer as well as the falling prices of much more effective technology, anyone interested in getting solar installed – and playing a part in helping lessen further damage to our environment – should act today.